Blog posts


How to create Flexdashboards in R?

less than 1 minute read


flexdashboard is package that enables you to easily create flexible, attractive, interactive dashboards with R. Authoring and customization of dashboards is done using R Markdown and you can optionally include Shiny components for additional interactivity. In this first blogpost, I am going to show you how to create a simple but powerful dashboard using flexdashboard framework using an example dataset.

Flexdashboards in R

1 minute read


Dashboards have become quite popular recently because of their ability to summarize the data in an easy and inituitative manner. A prime example have been COVID-19 dashboards which have been quite powerful to keep track of the several metrics of COVID-19 cases, infections, recoveries and finally deaths etc.,


Exploring Tensor functions in Pytorch

6 minute read


I am fairly comfortable building Deep Neural Networks (DNN) with Keras library and infact I built a CNN model - Plantmd to predict plant diseases as part of Insight Data Science fellowship program. However as people often say, it’s always important to learn a new language/program to see how it differs from the language/program that you are comfortable. So with this in mind, I have decided to take spend time to do the exciting Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs workshop on